Many children born after 2000 are advanced star seeds. They are advanced beings who come to this planet to guide, assist, and inspire a great shift. Many of these souls have already gone through the ascension process and have volunteered to come to Earth to guide the human species through theirs. As a result of this, they are not all familiar with the "human way." They struggle to fit in. They are falsely labeled with ADHD, Autism, and developmental delays. In reality, these children are part of a significant shift, and they are activating their spiritual gifts. These gifts can be perceived as abnormal. Many of the new earth children are not like previous generations. They are part of the change. They think differently, they learn differently, and they encourage the collective to embrace our differences. This can be a challenging journey for them, so their chosen families are important.
Some common Starseed Characteristics
What is a Soul Reading?
A soul reading is an in-depth look at the soul's journey. What are the soul origins of your child, what planets are they connected to, when did they come to Earth, why, how many other lives do they have here, and what is their core mission in this life? This is a macro look at their soul's path. The intention of these readings is to help children that are struggling to find their way in this life by "innerstanding" where they come from and why they are here.
Does your child need to be present for the session?
There are three options. I can work only with the parent, I can work with both the parent and the child together, or I can work with the child alone only if they feel comfortable. This generally has to do with the child's age. Younger children like to have their parents present, and some children, regardless of age, are too shy to get on a Zoom call. Older children generally like to speak in private. There is no right or wrong way to have a session. It is completely up to the family.
How a Session Works
We will meet over Zoom. When booking your session date and time, please note that all sessions are in the Eastern time zone. A Zoom link will be given along with your registration receipt. This generally goes to your PayPal email or your email of preference, so please check your spam folders.
I spend the first 10-15 minutes learning about the child, and what the objectives are for the session. If they are present for the session, I open the door for them to share whatever they feel comfortable with. I then explain what I will do during the "reading" portion of the session. For approximately 20 minutes, I turn off my camera to connect fully with the child's soul. I will be in deep concentration as I receive messages from their higher selves, guardians, soul family, and/or any guides that come through. During that period of time, the child does not have to stay still, or be present. In the final portion of the session, I share the information, messages, and guidance that came through. Parents are welcome to record the session through Zoom or as a voice memo on their phone. Please note that you can't record the meeting if you are on Zoom with a smartphone.
We will discuss ways for them to navigate the challenges they are having and different techniques for grounding and balancing.
Session length: 1 hour and 15 minutes
Investment $155.55
Follow-up Sessions & Coaching
There are follow-up sessions for families that would like to continue working together. There are also coaching sessions, which are strictly one-on-ones with the child if they feel comfortable speaking with me from time to time to discuss their progress and challenges, as well as further coaching on psychic abilities and protection.
Aramis Creative Learning Center is based on the foundation of intuitive based learning, where children’s emotional wellness is the driving force. Our centers will cultivate an environment of excitement and enthusiasm, where children look forward to learning.
New Earth children have been coming to the planet in large masses since 2000. High-vibrational volunteers or star seeds have been coming to the planet for decades. However, the new Earth children are exceptional. They are wise beyond their years and have come to the planet to assist with the ascension. They are here to wake up the masses with their light. Many of these children have not had any past incarnations and have come here to teach. They have little to no karma and don’t have lessons to learn. They are ascended beings, earth angels, and highly advanced souls from many galaxies. They are here to break down paradigms, rebuild society, and spread high-frequency love and light all over the planet.
These children are often misunderstood because they are different. They are not like the generations before them. They can tap into a higher awareness. They are naturally spiritual because the veil between their earthly body and Spirit is very thin. Many come in remembering their mission and what planet they are from and can communicate with their guardian angels and spirit guides. They may talk about their past lives or time traveling and dimensions. This can leave parents feeling lost and unable to support them because they don't know about these topics. From the time these children are born to the age of roughly 8-10 years old, it is critical that they feel supported. They are looking to see what other children are acting like or if they, too, are seeing and feeling the world around them in the same way. They pay attention to how their parents react to them when they say that they remember their past lives, or they can see grandma in the living room when she passed away years ago. Their parents and their peers' reactions to the things they say or how they act will determine whether or not they embrace their gifts or turn away from them.
We are at a critical time in humanity, and these children need to be given the space to be themselves and use their God-given abilities to rebuild this world. We can no longer shame them for their differences; rather, we should carefully nurture them and allow them to grow so they may succeed in their mission to assist this world with the Ascension and be the pioneers of a new way of life.
What are some of their characteristics?
New Earth children have many characteristics and can fall into several categories. These categories are generalized and are simply used as a guideline to understand their unique qualities. It is important to note that the dates below are averages; however, these children can be much older or younger. The time frames given were when each category came to Earth in waves.
These children came onto the planet in large quantities from 2000 to 2010. These children are here to spread the love frequency. They open our hearts with their unconditional love and compassion. They are wise beyond their years. They are
non-confrontational and very forgiving. These children rarely get into trouble because they don't want to misbehave or hurt anyone's feelings. They are here to remind us to be kind to one another, to break down barriers, and to build bridges of togetherness and equality. They may be looked at as pushovers or super sensitive. This is because they don't understand anger or sadness. It is not part of their make-up. Where they come from, there is no war, hate, or greed. They will stand up for others and likely be friends with all types of people. They are connected to the earth, crystals, and animals. They may thrive in careers involved with conservation, species survival, or animal care, or create communities and foundations.
These children came to the earth in large quantities from 2005 to 2015. They are highly intelligent, analytical, and innovative. They like to understand how things work by breaking things apart and rebuilding. They like Legos, puzzles, and toys they can take apart and re-build in their own way. They are here to break down paradigms that no longer work, analyze them, and consciously rebuild with their innate knowledge and intelligence. They come from planets and star systems that are very advanced in technology, and they will bring that technology here. They may be introverted, and perfectly fine being left alone for hours while they are in their own world. They may be stubborn and headstrong. They don't like to hear "no" from parents and teachers. They need to be given reasons for why they can't do something. Once they understand the reason, they are generally okay with being unable to do something. They have to process things, which takes a little longer than others. You may even find that these children have to repeat things back to you as they process out loud. They are tapped into a higher awareness and have difficulty being young. They somehow know they are more advanced and intelligent than the adults. These children are often times diagnosed with Asperger's. As we move into the new earth and the collective consciousness awakens, there will no longer be labels for these children. They will just be who they are.
These children started coming to earth around 2012 and are still being born. They combine the previous groups with a few more important qualities. They are the future leaders of the world. As crystals sweep in and open our hearts, the stars break down and rebuild, and rainbows anchor us into a new way of life. They will be leaders in all facets of life, from medicine, education, politics, and business. They are rigid and argumentative at times, not because they misbehave; they have an expanded perspective and can often see three steps ahead of everyone else. They are human lie detectors and are extremely empathetic. They feel energy and have a heightened awareness. They can read a person's energy and know if they are happy or sad. They are future healers because they work and manipulate energy well. They are very psychic and can see into other dimensions. Although these children are headstrong and stubborn, they quickly apologize if they have hurt someone's feelings. They will spearhead us into a new world of higher density with the vast knowledge they bring to the earth.
These children have never been to earth before. In fact, the world has only recently come to a high enough frequency where these children can inhabit bodies. They are earth angels and ascended masters. The portal for these children is only open from 2019 to 2023. They align with the period of ascension and the great awakening here on earth. All the divine children have a super consciousness where they are interconnected with one another. They have an equal amount of masculine and feminine energy. They can heal instantly and will not react to pharmaceuticals like previous generations. They are so highly vibrational that their bodies will be unable to withstand processed foods, a lot of meat, or vaccines. They are the anchors for the ascension and will hold us in the fifth dimension. They are purely crystalline and more extraterrestrial in their DNA. Only time will tell what their personalities will be like or what they are fully capable of.
High Frequency Children
New Earth children are high frequency, meaning where they come from, they are often 9th density and beyond. Essentially, they have to lower their vibration significantly in order to merge with a human body. Because many of them have never been in a body before, they struggle to adapt to such a dense environment. The body is heavy, and it has difficulty withstanding its vibration, even when it lowers it. As a result, their energy body is constantly moving this energy between the physical and metaphysical space. There is literally a ripple of high-frequency energy buzzing through them at any given moment. Many of these children are misunderstood. I hope that as we bring awareness to their unique qualities and their mission, we can collectively support them as we raise the collective consciousness of humanity.
Children are labeled hyperactive because they struggle to focus and sit still. This is a result of that high-frequency energy moving through their body, making it difficult for them to sit still for long periods of time. They have difficulty focusing because they are multidimensional and can't focus on one thing at a time. Their mind is moving a million miles a minute. Most children who are classified as having ADHD are right-brained. That means their creative self is activated most of the time. They are dreamers and find it difficult to pay attention to one subject at a time. When these children are forced to sit for long periods of time in a fluorescent-lit room, they short circuit. They need to be able to move around. Their minds wander, and they need the freedom to take breaks. They do better with one-on-one instruction, where the teacher can work with their pace of learning. These children need different ways to channel their energy so they don't feel overwhelmed. When their energy becomes too intense, and they cannot channel it, they become frustrated and may act out. They need exercise and movement. They need a creative outlet to fulfill their right brain needs, such as art or music.
It's not right when these children are shamed for not fitting in with the deemed normal social structure of society and forced to behave and sit still. They literally can't help it. On a conscious level, these children don't understand why they are different than the other kids. Because parents and teachers don't know how to support them, unfortunately, many of them end up medicated. This is no fault to the parents, especially when there are minimal resources and support for the parents or the children. When a high-frequency child goes on medication to slow their mind down, what is happening energetically is that their vibration is being lowered to the point that they are no longer connected to their higher self. They become a shell of themselves, quiet and attentive, yes, but deactivated, and their life force muted temporarily. I am not a doctor, and I do not give medical advice. In writing this, I intend to give parents an energetic perspective on what is likely going on with their child and how medications can impact them.
I work with countless adults who come to me frustrated and looking for answers because they were medicated for most of their adolescent years. As they grew older, they had no idea who they were anymore. That vibrant life force was off for so many years; by the time they were adults, they were lost and confused. After a few sessions, I can activate that life force and help guide them on their path by understanding why they were the way they were as a child. A whole new world opens up for them, and they feel empowered to allow themselves to flourish in their true essence. It is important now more than ever that we cater to these children and don't wait for their life force to be taken from them. Now is the time for them to feel supported and free to be themselves. No matter what that looks like.
Children with Asperger's are left-brained and extremely intelligent. These children often come from planets and star systems that are highly evolved with advanced technology. They come here to bring that technology to the planet through their inventions and innovative, forward-thinking. Most of these children are in the Star group. They are introverted and can have difficulty making friends. They are hyper-focused, as compared to hyperactive children. Their gift is their heightened intelligence, which can make it difficult for them to fit in with other kids. They are different from most children, and many do not enjoy playing with "kid toys." This can make it difficult for them to interact and play with children their age. They like to be challenged and stimulated. They may come off as arrogant and self-centered. This is because they find adapting to earth living and mundane activities difficult. They can be left alone for hours entertaining themselves with Legos, coding, robotics, reading, or playing video games.
These children are highly misunderstood. They have such an important role in the great awakening and will provide humanity with abundant knowledge. They need to be given the space to create. They need to feel supported, and not ridiculed for their differences. If they don't have a lot of friends, that's ok. Many of them will be loners, and we should not feel bad for them, as this is their journey, and they won't have the exact needs and desires as the generations before. They may be okay with having one friend or navigating to an older crowd. A lot of these children prefer the company of adults. They are multidimensional thinkers. Their brain is always working and sorting new ideas. They can be exhausting at times because they need to talk things through. It may seem like they are not getting something, when actually they are analyzing certain things from different angles and probabilities. They need the space to speak their mind freely, no matter how long it takes.
Children who are autistic, depending on where they are on the spectrum, can be severely left-brained (Asperger's) or right-brained (not in touch with reality). These children are oftentimes trapped between dimensions and unaware of where their imagination and reality begin and end. They have difficulty adapting to reality and often escape by daydreaming or astral traveling. They find it difficult to adjust to the physical plane, so they tap into their higher awareness most of the time. As a result of this, they don't communicate well with their peers, teachers, or parents. They may choose not to speak at all, preferring to use their other senses to communicate. They are telepathic and read energy and body language. When they do speak, they may end up speaking in full sentences. They are experts in the auric field and energy body because they can see it clearly. They prefer not to look people in the eyes because they can see into their soul-- the good and the bad, which can be overwhelming. I had an autistic child tell me once that they don't like to look into people's eyes because they can see their demons. I never thought of that before, but it made perfect sense and could be scary for a child.